Thursday, January 25, 2007

Messy Shoes..

Living in a community can be a messy thing-- would you agree?
Especially when it is mid-winter..

You have a big cell group coming over, which means a whole lot of shoes. Dirty shoes that it. As people pile in you see puddles begin to seep all over the place; along with the dirt and snow salt...
I'm always trying to think of some way to keep the floor all clean. Like ripping open a GIANT garbage bag and then placing it on the floor to put shoes on. Yeah, it worked for a bit, then when you have this giant garbage bag at the end to deal with-- you pick it up and the water and who-knows-what goes ALL over the floor. Just the thing you were trying to prevent.
BUT ya know what...
Through all of this extra clean up, I wouldn't trade it for anything. For the gathering of friends all in one room to build one another up, and to see the Kingdom of God expand... Sweet.

Like all of those shoes gathering, the water grows and grows. Like the Kingdom of God, the more people that are joining into the Kingdom of God-- the more people that are filled with the Spirit walking around on the streets grows and grows. Nice.

So as messy as community can be now and again-- that's the life we are called to live, and that's just where I want to be.

Deep Peace.

1 comment:

sixonefour said...

Rob shares your lament with the shoes...over the months, he has tried a few different things...from leaving shoes outside the door, to throwing them all in a plastic hamper with some paper towel in the bottom...the difference is, I think that sometimes he actually WouLD trade it all for a cleaner house with blemish-free know Rob!