Friday, January 26, 2007


Yesterday I caught up with some old friends...
I haven't talked with them in about 4 years, wow.
Our communication over the years hasn't been too great either.
But even though we didn't talk all the time, they came to my mind quite often. I often thought back about are years in New Jersey.
Funny isn't it? We often grow up and go through our school years with some of the same people... and yet after leaving school your relationship with those people grows thin.
Even though some of your best years were spent with those people-- your growing years.

Re-connecting with these two people who were my Best Friends through Middle School and High School has encouraged me to keep in touch with people. I don't want to say "Hey, it's been a long time, like what, 4 years?!" I would much rather keep invested in the lives I have invested in.
You can't with every one, that's true-- BUT you can with the ones you should.

I'm thankful for the friends that God has placed in my life throughout the years.

Deep Peace.

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