Friday, November 2, 2007

It's been a long time...

Well, well...
It has been quite a while since I have been blogging. All I can say is... I've been quite the busy bee.
I have been taking courses online and working and being in community-- then sleeping and doing it all over again. God has been good through this busy time.
I feel like I am actually falling into a balance some where. Where right at the beginning I was a bit overwhelmed with it all.
Now I feel that I can take a sigh of relief. No, I am not done with all my courses BUT I feel I have found a balance.

On another note-- lately God has really been stirring me more and more about our calling to take care of ALL of creation. That means to the tree in your backyard to the little child working in a sweat shop. As far as the action I can take into these things-- God is still revealing Himself to me... but for now I've been buying Fair Trade Certified products, so that I don't partake in something that underpays the worker for-- buying more organic, which is better for the environment and better for you-- sponsoring a child-- collecting money for Africa...
Yeah, so.. there is a lot more that God is teaching me, and I am a willing student.

Where can I go from here?
Only God can show me...

Deep Peace.

1 comment:

sixonefour said...

very admirable...i get what you mean about beginning to find a balance...thanks for sharing about the organic/fair trade stuff. It encourages me to move in that direction too. Rob has had a similar revelation regarding stewarding creation. So we've begun recycling (very rare down here) using cloth bags at the Wal-Mart (the biggest hassle you could imagine! But i think it's just moving in the opposite spirit) and so on...

love you JFire!