Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I just bought some tickets for Josh and I to see Three Days Grace in concert-- I am very giddy.
It just so happens that they will be here on September 12th.. right it 'lil 'ol London Ontario-- and we're invited.
I've been diggin' their music lately and am really looking forward to getting into a concert-- I haven't really been to many..

On another note, I woke up early this morning to Riley (our male cat), standing on his hind legs on the top of our T.V. cabinet staring at the ceiling-- he found it-- a NASTY centiped (or how ever you spell it.. I shouldn't know how to spell it, even the word is sick..)!!! ON THE CEILING? What was this thing thinking?!
So right away I ask Josh to get up and kill it. Mind you, it is 4:30 in the morning and Josh isn't too thrilled about waking up to a nervous wife, anxious cat, and icky bug.
He went to smash it and the darn little bugger wouldn't die.. it fell to the ground, where it should have been in the first place, and scurried away-- I'm sure with a few broken legs. Shucks they've got enough any way.

All I am saying it better have run off and died.
Yeah, so that's all I have to share with you.


1 comment:

Ryan said...

I remember about a year ago, when I thought it was great to play Playstation in the loft of our apartment in your building. A stinking huge centipede ran past my feet and I thought I'd nailed it with a chunk of wood that I found up there. But when I lifted the wood, it had gone. I don't think the Playstation stayed in the loft for long after that! Maybe it's the same centipede. Let's hope we broke more than a couple of legs between us, or this little bug could survive another 98 attempts!!