Monday, January 29, 2007


Lately God has really been speaking to me about Moutaintops..
Well actually I have heard that word a lot and then the Lord asked me to do some research on it-- so I did.

You see, for about a month God has been speaking to me about His promises. Of course Abraham came up through that time, and I have been on this kick about Abraham being so patient as he waited about 20 something years to see ANY of the Lord's promises from in Genesis 22.

Okay so about the Mountaintops.. The Lord asked me to look up places in the Bible where mountaintop, or mountain is found. I began with that. A handful of them did not fit and then there it was. Genesis 22. "Abraham named the place "The LORD Will Provide." This name has now become a proverb: "On the MOUNTAIN of the LORD it will be provided." Then the Lord goes on to share his promises with Abraham..

This verse jumped out at me. Here's what the Lord spoke to me a few days ago:
"I will bring you to the top of the mountain where I will fullfill my promises."
Well, well...
I didn't even connect this with the Abraham kick I have been on...
You see the connection?
God brought Abraham to give up his one and only son on the mountain.. God tested Abraham's faithfulness.
Then God sees Abraham's faithfulness and provides a ram instead of his son to be sacrificed.
He provided.
Then God's promises are revealed to Abraham.

So you see, God brings us to the mountaintop to test our faithfulness...
BUT when we are faithful God provides on the mountain..
God also reveals his promises on the mountain..
Yeah...hope you get some of my ramblings.

Deep Peace.

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