Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Just had Kirsten here for a visit. What a blessing to have her here. I believe she helped spur us on to walk in Fullness-- and it is always great to see family.

So as many of you may already know I have been working at Starbucks for about a month no-- I really enjoy it.
I keep telling everyone that it has been a while since I have had a job where I enjoy waking up in the morning to go to.
The people that I work with are lovely-- there is a good sense of community and encouragement.
I think there is a lot for me to look at in the way Starbucks is run, and learn a lot from.

I am also developing a heart to see my co-workers saved. I realize how great these people are and long to see then run in fullness. Let it be.
I think that is God's intention on seeing us take jobs outside of the church-- that we would long to see beautiful people saved.

That's all for now.
Deep Peace.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

May you be a bright light in the lives of your co-workers. Offer unconditional acceptance and friendship to the 'beautiful' people around you. And, a final word of motherly advice, watch the caffeine intake!